Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Problem with a very good friend

This happend a year ago.

I was used to have feeling towards this girl. I had a desire to have a relationship with her.
So, on Valentine's Day, I decided to give her flower and a letter letting her know that I love her and want to start a relationship with her.

I would expect that she would accept it but I was wrong. From the nice thing i did to her, it all went very wrong. She rejected me. She started to treat me mean and harsh. She started to avoid me. She started to hate me.

One time, I went on MSN and i decided to talk to her about it because I really do cherish our relationship. So i decided to talk to her but she didn't really want to talk to me. So I ignored her. I then decided to talk to one of my good mate.

I told him everything. He said that, he will talk to her for me. He started to talk to her. You would expect that he will solve the problem for me. But it wasn't expected. It ended up that both of them like each other. I was angry, I was furious.

I got so angry that I blocked them for every communication tools between them and ignored them and avoid them. Both of them tried to be nice to me again and wanted to be friends with me but I was so angry. Then one day, I decided that, it is no point getting angry with them. So I decided to forgive them.

Although we are friends, she still treated the same way she treated me when i told her about my feelings. She ignored me,avoided me and it seems like a knife backstabbing me. I was so angry and I decided to end the relationship with her as in not even being friend with her to the extent of not knowing each other.

Eversince then, we had never talked to one another.
After 3 months, 6 months, we both still never talked.
But after a year, I was at youth. We were going through a series called "Essential Relationship"
One time, Torchie went up and preach about Relationship Prespective: Loving Others, Love in Action!!

He preach about the importance of loving God and then other relationship will be blessed. It is like a triangle. If we put God at the peek of the triangle, and we love him, we will then start to love one another. Torchie also gave us a challenge and ask us to ask ourselves "What would Jesus do towards my conflict with another relationship?". God convicted me to solve this problem with this girl. I know in my heart, that it is wrong before God's eyes to not forgive her and also not to do anything about the broken relationship.

So finally, I decide to respond to God and I decided to solve this problem. So, I decided to go to my sheppard and tell him everything about it. He suggest way we can solve this problem. So finally, we came up with a solution.

I wrote her a email, apologizing for my attitude towards her. After couple of days, i receive a reply and she wanted to apologise to me a long time ago but she couldn't find a chance to do it.

I was like, wow, Praise God!!...that I am able to solve this problem. Not only I solve the problem, my relationship with her is restored. I really sense that God have a purpose for me why these thing happens.

I learnt that I should be more caring to others' feelings and not myself. I also love God more eversince that and I starting to love others like I love God.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow rashuan, thanks so much for your openess and honesty, I can so relate. Praise God for His help in the situation!:D Continue to look to Him for the solution!